For Wednesday, December 4 (!!!), please do the following:
(1) Watch — via streaming service, reserved DVD, or your own copy — The Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the third film in our superhero team-up series. As before, take notes on anything that strikes you as resonating with Greco-Roman myth, especially on the What? Why? and How? spectrum of ideas. Your notes will form the basis for our discussion of the film in class.
(2) Read "Only Transform: The Monstrous Bodies of Superheroes," by Michael Kobre, a.k.a. chapter 9 of the edited volume Superhero Bodies (2018); this reading was distributed last class. As I noted then, this article pertains to comics, but we can use it as a basis for discussing the MCU. Take notes on interesting comments and insights, and be sure to bring your copy to class.
(3) The following students must recommend 3–5 minute sequences from Infinity War for close review in class: McNamara, Nelson, Peralta, Ratsimbazafy, Sajed. Please
- briefly describe the sequence;
- give approximate starting and ending times (hh:mm); and
- explain why reviewing this sequence is worth our time as it pertains to a mythical considerations of the MCU.